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The Best Air Mattress For Travel – Ditch The Floor Once & For All

What is a travel air mattress?. This is a portable bed that is lightweight and can be folded down into a compact size. Traveling with one of these beds should be  pleasure, not a stressful experience. So now that we know what one is, what is the best air mattress for travel?.

Like most things in life, not one shoe fits all. So it’s important to understand in advance what exactly you are going to be using your travel airbed for. By this I mean, what is the travel occasion?. Is it a holiday, road trip, plane flight and endless nights in a hotel, or is a camping trip on the cards?. Maybe you just need to find a cheaper ‘extra’ bed for the kids to sleep on?.

What ever the purpose, we hope to provide you with a sustainable solution for your travel sleep predicaments. We have reviewed many air mattresses in 2024 which are suitable candidates for a traveller wanting a cheap but sustainable bedding solution. Below you can find our top pick plus a buyers guide to how to travel with an air mattress.

#1 Recommended Travel Air Mattress Fox Airlite

The Best Air Mattress For Travel

When it comes to travel, 9 times out of 10 I will go with the Fox Airlite air mattress. I find this bed to be the ideal travel companion.

What I love most about this bed is that I can pretty much use it anywhere at all. It works on just about any terrain you can think of due to it’s ability to mold to surfaces rather than act as a stiff straight traditional air mattress.

The other ‘no brainer’ for me is that is self sufficient in that it requires no power source to inflate/deflate. So perfect for travelers. The Fox Airlite has a built in foot pump on the backside of the mattress. Takes minutes to pump up as well, which is quite the relief.

Airlite Air Mattress By Fox Outfitters

How To Travel With An Air MattressHow To Travel With An Air Mattress

Packing a bed such as a airbed can be a daunting experiences for many folks. Why?. The fear of being on the road or far away from home and not knowing if you are going to even sleep on a bed frightens many types of people. Whereas some people will just ‘wing it’ and hope for the best. Me personally, I’m a planner. So I will want to know first hand how to travel with an air mattress and how comfortable of a nights sleep am I even going to get.

Traveling no matter what style (Boat, car, plane, hike) requires you to pack only the bare essentials. So it’s not too uncommon to skimp on the air mattress in order to make room for other goods.

Be Prepared To Travel – Pack Light & Small

So taking a double rise extra large air mattress is not going to be the best choice when it comes to travel. Even if you are a larger person, these small air mattresses can hold a high weight capacity.

Packing Small For Hotel/Motel Rooms, Caravans Etc

Light and small have two separate meanings in the air mattress world. In the instance of packing to sleep in a small room such as a Motel, then often ground space is limited. So you must think, small and narrow.

These Small Air Mattresses are the ideal choice for you. They are based solely on how small they are, nothing else. Of course they are the best of the smallest beds available. But they haven’t been rated for other things like: Features – built in pumps, double stitching etc.

More Of A On The Go Traveler? A Lightweight Travel Bed Is Your Best Friend

Whether you are a backpacker, hiker or simply someone that’s moving from one hotel to the next. Lightweight and portability are your go to air mattresses.

There’s nothing worse then being slowed down by a heavy load. A heavy air mattress can really make traveling a nightmare. These Ultra Lightweight Air mattresses start as low as 1.25 pounds in weight. Which is quite incredible considering how comfortable it is.

The Best Kids Travel Air Mattresses

‘Honey, I forgot The Kids…’Kids Travel Air Mattresses

Yes, I am showing my age now by the name of that movie!. Regardless, kids love to come traveling too, and on occasion they enjoy spending time with the family as well. So when it’s time for daylight to come to an end, your Rugrats will need somewhere to sleep.

Sure they can snuggle up with Mom and Dad, but really?. I didn’t think so. Why would you when you can get these awesome kids travel air mattresses that are not only safe and comfortable, but will encourage the kids to sleep in them.

The best part about buying your kids there very own air mattress, is now your parents don’t have a valid reason for not babysitting your kids overnight now. These beds make amazing temporary bedding for kids too.

Traveling By Car? How About These Car Airbeds!Best Travel Air Mattresses For Car Road Trips

Road Trip!!! Who doesn’t love traveling from state to state taking in the scenery and learning new amazing things about their great country of origin. While it’s a great tradition to have, when you don’t have any relatives to stay with, it can be quite expensive staying in motels for nights on end.


  1. Sleep on the backseat of the car with a specially made back seat air mattress for cars.
  2. Traveling in a SUV, these Air Mattresses are designed for SUV boots and backseats. Get stuck in now.
  3. Travel for two in a pick up?. Never spend a dime on Motels again with these amazing Pick Up Truck Air Mattresses. Prepare for comfort!.

That Is How To Travel With An Air Mattress Using The Best Beds Possible

I hope you have enjoyed reading this travelers guide to buying an air mattress. More importantly, I hope your eyes are now open to the vast amount of sleeping opportunities a traveler really has. These air mattresses listed on this page will suit just about any traveling guru for many years to come. Enjoy your holiday folks.

