There comes a time when the trusty air mattress is simply not big enough to squeeze the Children in between the Adults anymore. This is where bunk beds and the best camping cots for kids make for a great purchase.
When the holidays come around, many American families head outdoors for a camping adventure to remember. Breathing in the fresh air and simply relaxing with Mother Nature. But when darkness fall, it’s that dreaded time of the day. Bed time for the kids!. It’s hard enough at the best of times to get the kids to bed in a ordinary fashion from the comfort of our own homes.
Introduce unfamiliar surroundings, sleeping in a tent and on the floor. Well, I know it’s a tough task getting my kids comfortable with this situation and I imagine we are not alone here. However, to make the transition that much easier for our toddlers. We get our kids to sleep in camping bunks and Child size camping cots.
What this does is paints a picture of a familiar ‘bed like’ scenario, because the cots are raised above the ground and can resemble sleeping in their own beds at home. So, I’m all for making bed time easier on both the Parents and the kids. With that said, we have gone out to find the best camping cots for kids and the best camping bunk beds suited to our Children.
The Best Camping Bunk Beds For Kids
The Bed O Bunk Review
There’s 2 reasons why my Wife and I love the Bed O Bunk by Disc O Bed.
- The kids are super excited to get into the bunk bed and sleep. The novelty of sleeping in a bunk outdoors in a tent. So the struggle to get them to go to bed in a unfamiliar bed is left at home and not taken with us camping.
- We can easily fit this bunk bed and 2 full size Adult cots into our 8 person tent. Had we gone for 2 individual kids cots, then this wouldn’t work and we would of had to buy a bigger tent. So saving money with a bunk bed is a possibility if you have a similar set up.
Assembly for the Kid O Bunk bed is another amazing feature. Wait for it….. No Tools Required!! Now that is amazing, especially since it will be used for camping and knowing us, we will probably forget the tools anyway. But no need to worry with this bunk cot. It’s a snap together system and only takes about 10 minutes to assemble.
When it comes to taking the bunk down, ts just the reverse of the setting up. So allow about 10 minutes and then simply store the parts in the 2 carry bags provided. Presto, stress free and tool free camping trip accomplished.
While we think it’s the ideal camping bunk bed for kids, the Kid O Bunk can actually be used in other ways. You can use it as 2 separate kids cots, which makes buying this cot another great choice as you get that option. Plus it can also be set up as a camping sofa or lounge.
Some general info you should know before buying this cot:
- 400 pound weight capacity in total – 200 pound capacity per cot.
- Kid – Proof: Safe rounded corners to prevent any unwanted injuries, while also protecting the bottom of the tent. No middle bar running down the center which you may have seen on other cots. So a much more comfortable sleep for the kids.
- No Mattress required. Yippee! No more extra expense to the trip while saving on car space.
- The waterproof and washable sleeping surface comes in at 27.7 x 62″length. 10″height to bottom cot from floor, 28″height to top cot from floor, leaving a 18″ distance between cots.
- Available in funky colors on amazon for the kiddies. Expect some fights here if you have a boy and a girl sharing the camping bunk bed.
While no product is perfect, we did find just a couple negatives about the bunk o bed. The distance between the 2 cots is a little tight. Perhaps next time, the taller child should sleep on the top bunk!. While the setting the frame up was not difficult, we feel some people may not like the idea of setting it up every time you go camping. But then again, that’s what camping is all about if you ask me.
Overall we find the Bunk O Bed the strongest most durable yet funky kids bunk bed for camping. The rust proof powder coated frame gives that impression that this cot will stand the test of time. But don’t think this is just good for camping, there is no reason you couldn’t use this bed for just about any occasion. Highly recommended.
The Best Kids Camping Cots – Boys Or Girls
The Pink Or Blue Regalo Kids Cot
One reason parents buy their Children camping cots over a kids camping air bed is reliability. A cot won’t puncture or damage as easily as a air mattress. But for me, a little bit of comfort is sacrificed in using a cot over a air bed. In saying this, we have drilled down to find what we think is the best camping cot for kids with a excellent comfort level.
The Regalo is the Children’s sleeping cot of choice. The high quality build and frame make this one of the sturdiest and reliable cot for kids in our opinion. This particular has the center support bar running across the middle of the cot for heavy duty support. But what’s so good about this model is that the middle support bar is not felt when laying down on. This is due to the well thought out design. The cross bar is shaped away from the sleeping surface to provide solid support while offering a good rest.
As for setting up and dismantling, this cot couldn’t get any easier. Similar to how a camp chair folds up, the Regalo cot follows in a similar fashion. Once folded down it fits into a provided carry case. Perfect for quick getaways to the outdoors.
A side note: The cot comes with a fitted washable sheet. We prefer to use this as a cot protector and bring our own sleeping bags. The Regalo is ideal for young boys and girls being available in Pink and Blue for the boys.

Lightweight Kids Cot With Pockets
Joovy Foocot Review
Other than those couple negatives, the Joovy Foocot is still a really good choice. Some folks may even prefer this cot over others because it comes with 2 side pockets big enough to store camping goodies such as: torch, drink bottle, glasses etc. The cot is another simple fold down device and comes with a over the shoulder carry case the kids will love.
My Daughter loves the Pink cot, but it does also come in 3 other colors. So the boys will be happy too. According to the specs, this cot has a 75 pound capacity and suits kids up to 48 inches.

Sleeping Tips While Camping
Matt's Mom
Tuesday 18th of October 2016
Oh I love the Bed-O-bunk! What a great idea and space saver. Shoot, me and my son could use this when we go camping to save space in our small tent. I don't think the fact that the distance between the two cots being tight is an issue. Heck, it is tight quarters anyway when we are camping. This would actually give us more space in the tent!
Tuesday 18th of October 2016
I totally agree about the space between bunks. It's camping after all and not a permanant sleeping surfice.
Carlton Gonder
Friday 14th of October 2016
We have the grown-up disco-bed for visitors and they generally cherish it. When it came time to get my little girl another bed we took a gander at what they made for children. We requested this immediately, supposing it would be great. We were correct. It was conveyed on time today and my significant other set up it together in around 10 minutes with zero issues (however he has a great deal of involvement with the grown-up bed). It is solid and doesn't tip when my 5 year-old jumps on top. There isn't a lot of space between the two bunks however my 3 year-old had no objections. The canvas feels high caliber as do the posts and end pieces. The side pockets are an extremely decent touch - particularly the water bottle holder. In general, we are extremely satisfied with the item and have no second thoughts. We will arrange a second one soon for my child.
Friday 14th of October 2016
Hi Carlton, thank you for your valued review, it will surely help potentail readers on whether this camping cot is right for them.
Tuesday 11th of October 2016
Thanks for the great kids cot ideas. I like that bunk bed not only for the space saving style but also that they can play with it at home when not camping! Question, can you give any idea about the sturdiness of this bed on the ground which might be somewhat uneven when camping? Not so much that the top person might fall out as that they might tip the unit. The feet seem pretty wide so this might not be an issue.
Thanks for the great ideas, these might make good gifts also.
Wednesday 12th of October 2016
Hi Randy, the Bed O Bunk has sturdy metal legs/feet so it is a rather solid platform. However, for uneven terrain, I would recommend leveling the bed as much as possible. No bunk bed is going to be safe unless on a level surface. Thanks for your querie.