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9 Unique Camping Activities For Toddlers

All You Need To Know About The Different Camping Activities For Toddlers9-unique-camping-activities-for-toddlers

Camping can be a very exciting and enjoyable activity; however, this activity may be made somewhat less enjoyable when taking a toddler along.  It doesn’t matter if you are going RV camping, by car, tent or even Kayak Camping. The kids will always get bored quickly.

Toddlers may be as excited initially to go in the car, boat etc. But when they arrive on site, it could be difficult to keep them interested in the basic outdoor activities us Adults love to do.  Older children have the ability to keep themselves occupied in some way but toddlers will typically depend on their parents to provide entertainment.  This article will provide some interesting and effective ideas on how to entertain a toddler when embarking on a camping excursion.

Bring A Water Table

My toddler loves to play with our sand and water table. These tables fold down to a compact size and wont take up too much trunk space. When the tent and everything is set up, you can spend another 2 minutes setting up the water table. If you are camping near a beach, add sand for even more fun. Our kids love playing with the sand and water table.

Collect Sticks

A simple yet effective way to entertain the kiddies. There’s a couple ways to make picking up sticks interesting. The first way is to make the kids feel important. Tell them that we need sticks for the camp fire. This will motivate the toddlers to help out and look forward to toasted Marshmallows. The other way is to play games using the sticks. Such games could be who can build the highest tower, or make shapes on the ground using the sticks. It’s the simple things that toddlers love the most.

Paper Mache

Bring an old newspaper or two and some glue/flour for a Paper Mache session. My toddler loves getting his hands dirty and this is one sure fire way to keep him entertained for at least 20 minutes. It’s a cheap and effective way to entertain the young ones. We try to get him to make shapes of camping related items, like a tree, the sun, a tent and even a air mattress. Go the extra mile and bring some water based paint. Paint the paper mache and use the paint again to do camping related drawings. After all, young kids love to paint 🙂


Eye Spy

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with…. A classic road trip game to keep the kids amused so why not bring it out on the camp site. May not be a highly riveting game, but combine it with the like of Paper Mache or collecting sticks to add an extra element to the games. This game will depend on the level of speech your toddler has.


Charades may seem a rather dull and uninviting game for toddlers; however, one should never underestimate the entertainment abilities of classic games.  Young children tend to be highly energetic and engaging this energy in a game where one needs to move about is highly effective.  In addition to being effective regarding energy, this type of game can be quite educational as the toddler is required to think about the person/thing being portrayed.  Some very children may find it boring, but as an evening game it can be highly beneficial and will, in fact, wear the child out.

Water Games

As is stated, toddlers and young children can be highly energetic and will require active events to keep them entertained.  Taking this into account, it is recommended that you choose water games to keep the toddler or toddlers engaged.  Water games will require some previous thought and preparation as you will be required to bring certain materials for the activity.  The materials include items such as water guns of different sizes.  Water guns can be a great deal of fun and are very useful in areas with high temperatures as they help people cool down quickly.  The water games are not only enjoyable by children, but also by adults.  It is important to note that this type of game can become quite chaotic and attention must be paid to the toddlers to ensure they are not injured.



Bingo is not generally an activity people consider to entertain children, especially toddlers; however, it can be very effective when taking toddlers and young children on a camping trip.  By using an adapted version of bingo children will be able to engage in a highly intriguing game that allows them to use their brains and move about.  How does a person move about when playing bingo?  As a child-friendly and modified bingo alternative, it is recommended that you create a gaming card with markers related to things around the camping ground.  The first child to locate all the items and tick them off will be the winner.  As the toddler may have difficulty completing this autonomously, it is recommended that the adults or older children assist the toddler with the game.  This will be enjoyable for both toddler and adult allowing all people to become involved.


Crafts are always a beneficial alternative when searching for an activity to keep children entertained.  In fact, crafts are possibly one of the more advantageous alternatives when attempting to keep toddlers engaged during camping trips.  The crafts completed at camping sites can include activities with the natural environment items, such as leaf pressing or rock painting.  This can be a very calming activity for the adult as it requires little movement and is very relaxing.  If opting to complete craft activities, it is essential that one prepare beforehand and take along books or paints.

Short Hikes

Believe it or not, engaging in a short hike can be highly effective as an activity for toddlers when on a camping trip.  As the toddler requires stimulation to remain entertained, it can be beneficial to take the toddler on a short walk and show him or her the different greenery around the campsite.  Allow the toddler to see nature and feel the different items; however, it is important to remain close as the child may end up eating a poisonous mushroom if left unattended.  Short hikes or walks through the campsite can also be tiring wearing the toddler out and resulting in a sleeping child throughout the night.  This gives the parents some time alone to enjoy the vacation.

What Are Your Toddlers Activities While Camping?

Is there something you do to entertain your Toddler when camping?. It can be a difficult task keeping a Toddler entertained when camping, but I have found it’s the simple things that work best. Feel free to share any other activities to this list by adding a comment below.
